The Green Party has published its 2024 general election manifesto!

Our manifesto, published today, is about the sort of country we want to live in, where we move beyond the politics of fear and distrust.

Our offer to voters is Real Hope and Real Change and our manifesto lays out exactly what this looks like.

The Green manifesto sets out how we will invest in the next generation through a focus on quality housing, education, and transport.

It outlines how we will transform our economy and overhaul the tax system to make it fairer, and bring water companies, railways and the five big energy companies into public ownership.

The Green Party will also invest to protect the climate for future generations and bring nature back to life.

This manifesto isn’t more of the same. It’s a look at what things could be like, soon, if we are willing to be bold and ambitious. Voters know that to mend broken Britain we must invest in our future. But the Green Party is the only party with the courage to be honest about the extent of change needed to build a fairer greener country and a safe and brighter future for our children.


You can read the manifesto in full here.


Click here to join the Green Party and help us fight for a fairer and Greener future for all! 💚